Welcome back to Progressively Incorrect, I am your host, Dr. Zach Groshell. Today I am excited to be bringing you the first of two DI podcast episodes that I will be releasing this weekend ahead of the Progressively Incorrect Season 3 finale with Paul Kirschner. My guests are DI mathematics experts Marcy Stein and Bernadette Kelly.

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This podcast is brought to you by John Catt Educational, which publishes some of the best books in education. Since this episode is about Big DI, I thought I’d once again highlight the book, Direct Instruction: A Practitioner’s Handbook, by Kurt Engelmann. You can listen to Kurt talk about his book on Season 3 Episode 7 of this podcast, and if you buy the book and turn the first few pages, you’ll even find a little book blurb by me! It’s an excellent book, and perfect for people who want the latest text on Direct Instruction.

Now, without further ado, let’s go on over to the DI podcast and learn about instructional design for math.

Like what you heard and interested in hiring me to do some PD? Get in touch!

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