Welcome back to Progressively Incorrect, I am your host, Dr. Zach Groshell. Today I am very excited to be speaking with Haili Hughes as part of my ongoing inquiry into instructional coaching approaches. If you’re a leader or instructional coach yourself, be sure to check out previous instructional coaching episodes of Progressively Incorrect, such as the one with Gene Tavernetti, and the one with Tom Sherrington and Oliver Caviglioli. In this episode, Haili and I will be talking about technologies and scaffolds for coaches, including scripting and the use of video. We will also talk about the advantages and drawbacks of different coaching models, and we’ll goof around and just have a grand old time.

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This podcast is brought to you by John Catt Educational, which publishes some of the best books in education. This week I wanted to highlight a book that I’m intrigued about,  Formative action: From instrument to design. In this book, the authors outline and explain how educators can use feedback more effectively and efficiently, and the essential role of instilling a shared sense of quality. Be sure to check out this new and exciting book by clicking the link in the show notes.

Do you enjoy the topics that I talk about on this podcast and want to see them make their way into your school? Consider having me over at your school to lead interactive workshops on the science of learning and instruction. Just last week, I worked with over 200 teachers and instructional coaches to develop their math programming based on principles of cognitive load theory, desirable difficulties, and explicit instruction. If you’re interested in setting up a Zoom with me to talk about how I can be of service, please message me through the Contact page on my website, which is linked in the show notes.

Now, without further ado, let’s roll the tape of my discussion with one of the most wonderful and knowledgable people in the world of instructional coaching, Dr. Haili Hughes.

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