Welcome back to Progressively Incorrect, I am your host, Dr. Zach Groshell. Today I am very excited to be speaking with Scott Hill, the Superintendent of Evergreen School Division in Manitoba, Canada. We will be talking about evidence-informed school leadership, including the shift that Evergreen has made towards a science of reading based curriculum, and the decision to embed Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction into their strategic plan. If you’re a school leader or a decision maker yourself, I hope you listen to this episode closely… Scott and Evergreen are doing fantastic things in this space, and I was totally honored he agreed to come on Progressively Incorrect to lend his expertise.

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This podcast is brought to you by John Catt Educational, which publishes some of the best books in education. This week I’d like to share a book that I talked about last week with Haili Hughes titled, Responsive Coaching: Evidence-informed instructional coaching that works for every teacher in your school by Josh Goodrich. Josh and his company, Steplab, are changing the world of instructional coaching through a practical, efficient, and accountable approach that just makes so much freaking sense. This is one of the best books I’ve read in 2024, and I highly recommend you check it out.

Do you enjoy the topics that I talk about on this podcast and want to see them make their way into your school? Consider hiring me to lead interactive workshops on the science of learning and instruction. Please message me through my Contact page on my website, which is linked in the show notes, for more details.

Now, without further ado, let’s roll the tape of my discussion with one of the most forward-thinking Superintendents in education today, Scott Hill.

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